

Monday, November 30, 2015

The Trial

"The one place where a man ought to get a square deal is in a court room, be he any color of the rainbow, but people have a way of carrying their resentments right into a jury box." (Lee 295)

Now, because I didn't really incorporate history into my last blog post, I thought I might as well include some in this one, and maybe, just maybe, this last desperate attempt will be considered in my grade ;) ;)

I am not the best at blogging.  I am not the best at expressing my opinion when there are so many other stronger ones out there in the world.  A man's word is a strong thing, something that can take another man's will and strangle it until it gives into any strong-worded man.  Opinions and actions are what define us humans, and actions are the result of opinions.  People are more likely to listen to you if you are speaking loudly.  Now I don't know if you are following what I'm saying so I'll rephrase it:
-Strong opinions are heard and listened to.
-People like when someone is confident in what they say.
-People will follow someone who has an a mindset they follow and are consistent with.

"They're ugly, but those are the facts of life.'" (Lee 295)

Let's bring this into a scenario.

Joseph McCarthy, Wisconsin's senator from 1947 to 1957 (the Cold War), is one of the most famous anti-communists known in American history.  Known for his numerous accusations of American politicians and celebrities being Soviet sympathizers and the origin of the term McCarthyism, McCarthy was an extremely strong opinionated man.  And at the time, Americans strongly followed his beliefs, partially because of their high from beating Germany out in World War II, but also because we follow leaders with passion.  When did we stop and look at the reason behind McCarthy's accusations?

When do people ever stop and appeal to the humanity's case instead of someone else's band-wagonned opinion?

"'I say guilt, gentlemen, because it was guilt that motivated her.  She has committed no crime, she has merely broken a rigid and time-honored code of our society, a code so severe that whoever breaks it is hounded from our midst as unfit to live with.  She is the victim of cruel poverty and ignorance, but I cannot pity her: she is white." (Lee 272)

But then I suppose that society has taught us to hole up our humanity so that we may adapt willingly to society's expectations.

Society- The unspoken rules, the whispered procedures, that any and all people must live by in order to survive this retched hell in which neighbor judges neighbor before either can walk out of his or her door.  This damned society where no one will ever be equal and happy about it, or be able to look at a complete stranger in the face and say, "You have just as good a chance in this world as me."

No one will ever be able to create a perfect society when there are strong-minded, stubborn people alive.  It's not just blacks, or homosexuals, or Jews who are prejudged.

And its not the fault of every white man and women during that era for believing something they were brought up believing.

It's no body's fault so stop playing the blame game.

Do not believe that any racist white or black man who was raised to believe something can simply say they shouldn't be prejudice because every one is created equal.  People do not change that easily.  People change but only because of another person.

Atticus Finch appealed to the human side of every witness.  He nearly broke through to Mayella Ewell, but some believe an abusive father is enough to stand between justice and injustice.

"'Who beat you up? Tom Robinson or your father?"
No answer.
"What did your father see in the window, the crime of rape or the best defense to it? Why don't you tell the truth, child, didn't Bob Ewell beat you up?"
When Atticus turned away from Mayella he looked like his stomach hurt, but Mayella's face was a mixture of terror and fury.  Atticus sat down wearily and polished his glasses with his handkerchief." (Lee 251)

Fear is a powerful thing.

I do not believe that Tom Robinson raped Mayella Ewell.  I believe so because of his crippled left arm.  I do not believe that he is not guilty because the jury said he was guilty on account of racism.  I do not believe a fair trial means someone is innocent.  I believe the justice system is corrupt.  I do not believe every black man convicted guilty for any crime is because the jury is racist.  I believe there is a reason for every opinion, every single one, and that opinion should be heard and taken into consideration.

Society and the law means that every truth is based on opinion.

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